My ecoMaratona del Chianti. October 21th - 2018

- 42 Km cross country run (Marathon).
- 1000m Accumulated ascent.

This event pass some of the most beautiful areas in Tuscany. The event itself was very well organized, with a lot of aid stations along the way.

A view from Castello di Brolio, over the beautiful running area.

Underneath a small middle age fortification

A bit of shadow - thanks to the wine (it was a hot day).

Between the vineyards

Passing a small stone bridge

A beautiful cypress avenue. Missing 6 Km and my legs are very, very tired.

And here I arrive after 42 Km, with my legs still attached to my body (video link: eventually right click -> save as):

A well deserved beer!

- 10 Km: 1H00M
- 21 Km: 2H25M
- 30 Km; 3H58M
- 42 Km: 5H53M

- All over: 384/491
- Men: 290/353
- Category (men 55 - 59 years): 38/50