Ironman 70.3 - Elsinore. June 25th - 2023

"This is not a tea party"


- 1900 m Swimming in Helsingør habor (the water is clean as this part of the harbor is not used anymore for ships).
- 90 Km (450 m in accumulated ascent) Bike along the nord coast and into the countryside.
- 21.1 Km Around Kronborg castle and the city of Helsingør.
- Total 113 Km.
- Race Courses

A very well organized event, both for athletes and spectators, your family will have a great time while you are racing.

Kronborg castle. The swim was in the harbor to the right, and part of the run course was around the castle.

Yes - I'm in the book of fame.

Everything is ready.


Swim-gear on and ready for start.

In we go for the swim.

A run to T1 for switching to the bike.

And here I go - starting the 90 Km bike course.

Along the north coast.

In the forest.

Out of T2 and starting on a long hard 21.1 Km run.

Running in the old city of Elsinore.

Crossing the finish line.

I did it!!!!

Problems along the way

My left goggles did not hold tight and leaked water, so I had to stop many time to empty it along the swim course.

In T1, when I grabbed my change-bag, I got the wrong bag, 1 minutes of total confusion as I looked at my running shoes and asked myself how I would be able to bike with them. Everything went OK when I swapped the bag back to my bike-bag. One feels a bit silly after that.

I have fighting with bad knees while running, months before the event, so I knew my run time would not be very good.


- All over: 1274/1370
- Men: 992/1047
- Category (men 60 - 64 years): 31/37
- Swim Position: 23/37 - 857/1047 - 1081/1370
- Bike Position: 36/37 - 1004/1047 - 1279/1370
- Run Position: 30/37 - 972/1047 - 1259/ 1370