Henrik Baastrup's Home page

"We're Johnny-come-latelies. We live in the cosmic boondocks. We emerged from microbes and muck. Apes are our cousins. Our thoughts and feelings are not fully under our own control. There may be much smarter and very different beings elsewhere. And on top of all this, we're making a mess of our planet and becoming a danger to ourselves."
Carl Sagan

Hi I'm Henrik Baastrup a M.Sc in Electronic Engineering. I'm working as a software engineer and have a profile at LinkedIn and Scrum Alliance.
I also have a Danish page with good receipts and here, written some articles and reviews on the Internet and have made some open source project.

Some of my web applications you can try here: Some other stuff I like to mess around with: I'm also a certified Scrum Master from Scrum Allience and Certified by EDS (HP Enterprise Services) as Project Manager.
ScrumMaster    Project manager

Nice memeories

Front of F-2007 at Ferrari - Marenello
Front of F-2007 at Ferrari - Marenello (Modena) - I did some of the production software
Teaching Aikido
Teaching Aikido
On The Rock (Pietra di Bismantova)
On The Rock (Pietra di Bismantova) - a bit younger than today
After 11Km and 500m ascent on a trail-run
After 11Km and 500m ascent on a trail-run and another 10 Km and 500m ascent to go

A queue story

Other stuff:

High Definition Earth-Viewing System (HDEV)

Some thoughts:

Develop an understanding of:
  1. Who we ARE as human beings.
  2. To: Political debates about who we NEED to be.
  3. To: Philosophical and spiritual debates of who we might ASPIRE to be.